Austari-Jökulsá and the Vestari-Jökulsá are under threat from being developed for hydropower. The Alþingi (supreme national parliament of Iceland) want both rivers to be considered for hydropower development. Controversially project managers want these rivers to be protected. Water diversion is planned for the Vestari-Jökulsá through canals, small reservoirs and tunnels to the Blöndulón reservoir. A projected 100 GWh/year would be added to the Blanda power station. Plans for the Austari-Jökulsá show a new reservoir to be created at Austurbugur with tunnels through the mountainside to connect to a new underground power station in Skatastaðir. Both development projects would completely disrupt the flow of these rivers and dramatically damage the surrounding natural environment. These rivers and the surrounding area are worth more than just being used for power.
'Save the Austari-Jökulsá' was set up in January 2023 by Benjamin Rowlands to help protect these free flowing rivers from being destroyed by hydropower. The aim of the project is to stop any potential plans of development becoming a reality. Furthermore to get the area put onto a protected list with further scope of becoming a national park. The project is being supported by ‘Free Rivers Fund’, ‘Save Our Rivers’, ‘Palm’, ‘NRS’ and ‘Viking Rafting’
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East Glacial River
Located in the Northwest the Austari-Jökulsá flows freely from the east of Iceland's third largest ice cap, the Hofsjökull Glacier. It meanders it way down through one of countries biggest fjords, Skagafjörður. Then confluences with the Vestari-Jökulsá to form the Héraðsvötn. From here the river opens and flows into the North Atlantic.
There is a 17 km stretch that provides world class whitewater for rafters and kayakers who decide to journey through the breathtaking canyon walls.
Education through experiencing this section of river enables appreciation and connection to the river and the surrounding environment. Therefore giving people a better understanding to why areas such as this should be protected.
West Glacial River
Located within the same area as the Austari-Jökulsá the Vestari-Jökulsá flows from the west of Hofsjökull Glacier. The Vestari-Jökulsá offers mellow rapids and stunning scenery for all of the family.
Every year hundreds of Icelandic school children get to experience the river and gain a perspective through rafting. This has been a tradition for the past 20 years creating a river culture for these young people. It is seen as a right of passage when finishing their studies. Stories of the river get passed through generations. Icelanders return in their adulthood to experience the Vestari-Jökulsá again or to take on the Austari-Jökulsá.